T: 01603 2455614
​St Andrew's House, St Andrew's Drive, Norwich NR4 6NH

I began my ceramics experience as a studio potter developing a range of domestic oxidised stoneware. Following my graduation as a mature student from Norwich School of Art and Design, I have become more interested in sculptural forms, using clay for more figurative and abstract pieces.
More recently I have worked with the Raku process, and enjoy the simplicity of the glazes. This technique gives endless possibilities and the reduction firing gives each piece its individuality.
I make mostly flattened vessel forms, using the black of the smoked clay body as integral to the decoration, dividing spaces and making abstract patterns...
I also enjoy the sculptural possibilities gained from plant forms and the landscape.
I like to develop a particular theme in a body of work, but each piece is unique.
I am a selected member of Norfolk Contemporary Craft Society and exhibit with them at their twice yearly exhibitions in Norwich.
I am a member of Anglian Potters Association and exhibit regularly in their exhibitions.
My work has also been in exhibitions at Creake Abbey, Walberswick, Ickworth, Norwich and Wymondham